Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fun on the Web Sept 16 2012 Rummage

If you have lived in Wisconsin for any amount of time you know the rummage season is coming to a close. Outside of a few church rummages and some indoor flea markets October is pretty much "it" until April or May next season. So in order to catch as many as you can check out these sites:


A small, sturdy crate. Milk crates or the plastic kind that kids keep toys in are perfect. I have one that collapses  with wheels. You can use it to hold your other tools of the trade.

An old blanket to protect any furniture pieces or extra large finds from damage. In a pinch, it can be used to wrap dishes or breakables.

A small stash of bubble wrap, some tissue paper (newspaper often leaves marks on china, fabric or wood) and a plastic bag full of old plastic dry cleaning bags. They are excellent used to protect delicate items.

A large piece of plastic. Find them at the Dollar store, usually 9' X 12' or larger. Use to protect stuff from rain during transport. I have a stash of huge plastic bags I get from work. They help slide things in and out of the trunk too.

Maps have a good one for your entire area that has a detailed index of streets and roads. The best ones are in book form, usually spiral, and you can photocopy the most-used pages for easy reference. Even with a GPS these come in handy 

A length of rope and some bungee cords to keep items in place for transport or hold trunk closed.

Several sturdy canvas bags for books and other finds.

A large bottle of plain water. . . can be used to rinse hands or for drinking.

A small cooler full of drinks (non alcoholic please.) Garage Sales are thirsty work!

A supply of napkins or a roll of paper towels for all the obvious reasons.

Snacks or lunch . . . Stopping on the way takes time and costs money you could spend on treasures.

A zippered bag or two  to hold small stuff: Tools of the trade or purchases

One zippered bag could hold some or all of the following

A magnifying glass: Find a nice plastic one about the size of a postcard. Use to
 get a good look at a hallmark, scratch, or other detail with a small one. Packing a jeweler's loupe can be useful too for jewelry or tiny print.
Personal information: Swatches of your colors for decorating and wearing. Sizes for you and everyone you buy for. Measurements for rugs, furniture, windows, beds, etc. Trace the soles of everybody's shoes so you can size them at sales.

A tape measure to check the size of furniture, curtains, measure fabric, etc.

A magnet. This will help you to detect the kinds of metal in items that appear to be brass, copper, silver, etc. If the magnet sticks (be sure to try both ends or sides) it is not the real deal. A small one the size of a quarter is all that is necessary.

A small flashlight. The ones with a small light that are used in theaters is fine and will let you check for marks, flaws and look in concealed spots.

A pocket knife. This is for cutting, scraping and sure you ask the owner before you do it, or better yet, have them use the knife. A lot of rust, patina or dirt can disguise a treasure. And it is generally handy for cutting up fruit and opening packages for lunch on the run.

A small pad of paper and pen. This is for addresses, phone numbers and names if you have to return or want to come back to make a deal later, etc.

Calling cards that have your name and phone number and whatever other information you want to disclose. You can get 250 of them free at, and they are very handy.


Hope you enjoyed my fun on the web today!

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please send them a link so that they can follow it.

If you would like to refer back to an older link or a funny,
I have added the back issues to archives here: 2008-2011 2005-2007 2003-2004

Thanks and have a great day!

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