Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fun on the Web Feb 25 2014 Cooking Basics

Right now I am reading "Heat" by Bill Buford who starts his fascinating adventure cooking by inviting Mario Batali to dinner. His wife says "What in the world were you thinking of, inviting a famous chef to our apartment for dinner?"But it was a birthday dinner and Batali was a friend of the birthday boy so it was on.

Batali is rarely invited but is a gracious guest and most enthusiastic about helping. I understand he helped finish the dinner, wash up and even swept the floor. All the while plying the guest with treats and Grappa until one lady fell over the couch when he asked her to salsa with him!

After this dinner (which lasted until three in the morning), Bill embarked on his adventure of three years; working his way up from kitchen slave to line cook to pasta maker to apprentice. It's an amusing read but I wouldn't suggest accomplishing this in order to learn to cook. Instead why don't you try learning techniques from some of the following websites:

or just try some of these quick, easy recipes . . .people will still think you slaved away in the kitchen


In my house the pantry is always stocked with the standard: ketchup, ground mustard, pickles, soy sauce, olive oil, vegetable oil, flour, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, baking soda, baking powder, balsamic (and other vinegars), Worchestershire, salad dressings, croutons, tortilla chips, salsa, but also I will have Better than Bullion (Beef, Chicken, and whatever other flavors you can find), capers, dilly beans, pickled brussel sprouts, V8 (because I use it for Bloody Marys, canned soups (Tomato, Cream of Mushroom, chicken broth, and Onion are ingredients), sesame oil, oyster sauce, real bacon bits, pickle relish, chili sauce, teriyaki, corn starch, Wondra brand flour in a shaker can, and an amazing array of spices.

In my house cheeses live in the fridge including parmesan, romano and asiago to grate. (No green canisters, please). Lemon juice, eggs, butter, and milk are all standard. Once opened many pantry items can get along nicely in the fridge for long periods: sesame oil, capers, olives, pickles etc. I would love to have room for a bread box but often must resort to the fridge (which dries bread out).


Hope you enjoyed my fun on the web today!

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Thanks and have a great day!

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